Years of long-lasting protection. Not Months
The most recent development in paint protection are products commonly referred to as glass or ceramic coatings. These coatings are made from materials that are more durable than the polymers found in traditional sealants and waxes giving you a more durable, longer-lasting protection. In addition to forming a very strong bond with the clear coat finish, a coating is generally much thicker than a wax or sealant, creating a sacrificial layer that can absorb damage and better protect the paint underneath. The thickness gives it a great depth of gloss that’s hard to achieve with other products. Most coatings will easily give years of protection when properly applied.
Permanent bond quartz (glass) coating
Easy to use, high gloss, multi-surface protective sealant.
Advanced chemical & corrosion resistance: unaffected by repeated washing cycles from ph2 to ph13.5.
Durable: single coat additional layers can extend life and durability can also be top-coated with ZC Boosta.
Forms permanent bond to all surfaces: coating can only be removed by abrasion.
Oxidation and UV resistant
Scratch-resistant: pencil test hardness 9h.
Increases & protects gloss levels
Dramatic water-repelling properties: minimises water spotting.
Super-hydrophobic nano “lotus-leaf effect” ensures surfaces stay cleaner for longer, repelling dirt and soiling even in the harshest climates.
All our products are manufactured and supplied in complete accordance to industry BS EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 accredited standards (SGS) and are in full compliance with the latest Global Harmonised System (CLP EU Directives)
NEBULA from Angelwax is a state-of-the-art graphene ceramic coating that has been researched, developed, and manufactured in Scotland. This super durable professional use coating will last up to five years and has been designed to be applied quickly and easily and will leave the treated surface with a super wet look finish. NEBULA will also resist water spotting and has been formulated to be very low maintenance with less surface contact required when drying.
Angelwax ENIGMA GENESIS is a state-of-the-art ceramic coating designed for professional application and is guaranteed for 5 years.
Formulated with ease of use in mind, ENIGMA GENESIS is the ultimate coating that can be applied in minutes.
For those of you who love the technical aspect of the Angelwax products, here’s graphene explained! Graphene is an allotrope of carbon that consists of a single layer of atoms, and its properties derive from its unusual structure in which carbon atoms are bonded together in a hexagonal pattern, like atomic-scale chicken wire!
These bonds hover halfway between single and double bonds, this makes them so strong that it’s almost impossible to make a variation in the lattice.
The beauty of graphene is its versatility as it lends itself to a myriad of applications, this is the reason why Angelwax is using graphene in every product within the DARK STAR detailing range.
What is Opti-Coat Pro+?
Opti-Coat Pro+ combines the chemical and environmental resistance of Opti-Coat Pro ceramic coating with a layer of Pro Plus to add additional protection and gloss that is second to none. Opti-Coat Pro+ enhances the durability of your vehicle’s paint by adding another layer of protection for the life of your car.
Opti-Coat Pro provides a protective ceramic coating with superior resistance to swirling, chemical etching, and fading. Then, Opti-Coat Pro+ is added as the topcoat to protect the layer of ceramic paint further. Not only does Opti-Coat Pro+ enhance the coated surface of your vehicle, it adds luster and slickness for an outstanding shine to your car’s paint.
How does it work?
Opti-Coat Pro+ was specifically designed to create a tough, permanent hydrophobic layer of protection. The advanced formulation not only delivers high gloss and durable protection, it also provides increased anti-water spotting and hydrophobic properties to maintain a perfect finish for the long term. Applying Opti-Coat Pro+ means that you don’t have to apply waxes or sealants while it provides scratch resistance.
It is chemically resistant so it won’t dissolve after multiple car washes and won’t diminish under corrosive acids like bird droppings. Any additional dirt, grime, or bugs come off with ease and you will never have to get your car waxed again. Furthermore, it is non-oxidizing so Opti-Coat Pro+ will lock in that shine and protects against damaging UV rays.
Why does it matter?
The ceramic paint coating you choose needs to be an intentional choice. It needs to be the penultimate layer of protection for your car’s paint. Opti-Coat Pro+ was made to ensure an extra added layer of protection when applied after Opti-Coat Pro and intensifies your vehicle’s shine and gloss.
As well, a 7-year warranty is provided for the ceramic paint protection.